Meet Leigh from Melbourne, Australia
Since I can remember I have always loved to be in the garden , having fond memories of grandparents that invested much into theirs and only as I reflect back now as an adult do I realize what a wonderful system they were working to provide food and beauty (gorgeous flowers) for us all too enjoy. Having my own family to look after and passing through periods of great trials & financial hardships where I could not even provide food on the table for my children, I have come to value tremendously and with great gratitude the means I have to grow an edible garden.
How I Started a Garden
It was predominantly through the distress & hardship we've been through as a family these past 3 years particularly that saw me become passionate about growing my garden. When I was literally losing all I had I stopped, let go, trusted God and grew a garden. What a rich blessing it has been and what beautiful food it has provided for us and also plenty to share with others. It is a dream of mine to create a “Healing Garden" a large garden where much food and flowers can be grown and people could come and work with me and be blessed by all that is grown and done there, where people could find peace and healing in their distress.
Growing food you are able to try so much more than what any supermarket would normally provide. A whole new world of food can open up. I try each season to add at least a couple of new edibles.
Gardening Best Practices
As far as soil and pests are concerned, I steer clear of any synthetic chemicals in the garden and rely on the earth's natural resources to create harmony and balance. I truly believe there is a divine cycle in nature/environment and we need not meddle too much in it. I create my own compost by what’s turned over in the garden and kitchen waste and whatever else can be recycled. I refresh beds with manures and compost and try not to get lost in masses of methods and products. Keep it simple stupid , a good garden motto.
True Rewards of Gardening
Gardening can be challenging when contending with inconsistent and harsh weather conditions but the rewards far outweigh the difficulties; the satisfaction of cooking and serving delicious food you've grown yourself is enormous. Doing so breeds an appreciation for the growing process, and how miraculous and divinely created it is.
As a Christian, I feel gardening brings me closer to God and will inevitably do so for anyone who looks for that connection. I'd encourage anyone who works with the earth to open themselves up to the incredible spiritual connection and wisdom that is found in the garden. To me the process of growing food and just how abundant it is is evidence in itself of a God that loves us.