“I started my hobby since a very young age and created a prize winning garden in my city. I am a principal by profession and teach my students to take up gardening as a hobby.
I was inspired to grow food when I saw that there was a dearth of organic veggies in the market. I have a terrace garden (300 square feet) exclusively for growing organic veggies and fruits. I prepare the garden soil with vermi compost and use neem oil to manage pests. The biggest hurdle for me is finding heirloom seeds as hybrid seeds are getting more and more popular.
I run a club “Live with nature” and from time to time I give free plants to people and organize plantation drives and inspire my students. I also run a project called “Mission 100 Tulsi” through which I distribute free basil plants to people. My job is to teach and lead by example and it is extremely gratifying to see when friends, family, my students and others in the community follow the suit and begin to grow some of their own food.”